Archives December 25, 2021

Adjustment of China’s Fertility Policy and Response of Enterprises in China

In order to deal with the problem of an aging population, China further relaxed its fertility policy in late 2021, allowing a couple to have three children. To encourage childbearing, the Chinese government has amended the Population and Family Planning Law to provide legal protection and supporting measures for couples of childbearing age in the […]

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China expands financial derivatives accessible to Qualified Foreign Investors

Per joint deliberations with the People’s Bank of China (PBC), the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) announced that, starting from November 1, 2021, commodity futures, commodity options, and stock index options will be added as eligible financial derivatives accessible to Qualified Foreign Investors, of which tradings in stock […]

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China against COVID-19: Business Closure System Comes

On August 24, the State Council published the Administrative Regulations on Market Enterprise Registration (the “New Regulations”) on its official website. The Regulations will come into effect on March 1, 2022, and the Regulations on Administration of Company Registration, the Regulations on Administration of Registration of Enterprise Legal Persons, the Measures for Administration of Partnership […]

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China issues guideline on high-level reform, opening-up of Shanghai’s Pudong

China on July 15, 2021 issued a guideline to support high-level reform and opening-up of the Pudong New Area in Shanghai. The guideline listed measures to build Pudong into a pioneer area for socialist modernization. By 2035, Pudong will see its modernized economy comprehensively established, modern urban districts built, and modernized governance fully realized. Its […]

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Enterprise registration with mailbox address? Hidden risks and mitigation

In China, an important condition for an enterprise to start up is to have its own domicile (registered address), which is also an important matter for enterprise registration. For various reasons, some enterprises will take the virtual address (mailbox address) as their domicile. Since such enterprises do not actually operate at virtual addresses, they are […]

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Foreign investor’s first company in China can no longer use “(China)” in its name

In China, the name of an enterprise without administrative division is the best annotation of the size and strength of the enterprise. Well-known foreign investors like to add “(China)” to the names of the companies they invest in, highlighting the global business deployment on the one hand and their operational strength on the other. The […]

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